
How HD Laser Scanning Helps the Pipeline Construction Process At All Levels

pipeline-surveying,-HD-Laser-ScanningWhen a pipeline project experiences any type of delay or isn’t running as efficiently as possible, it has a huge impact on the bottom line. Every aspect of the pipeline construction process, including planning, design, layout, and management, is highly time dependent. The sooner your company is able to get a pipeline functional, the sooner you start seeing ROI. Proper pipeline surveying can help reduce delays and assist with project planning, especially when HD laser scanning is used.

The laser scanning system speeds up the surveying function across all aspects of the pipeline pipeline construction process, from planning to production. Put more simply, it supports multiple stages of pipeline development, from concept to completion.

Pipeline Pre-Design Phase

Aerial imagery and LiDAR data provides an accurate picture of the terrain and existing on-site structures prior to beginning any work. This allows everyone involved to see the “as is state,” before moving to the planning phase. With this pre-existing information, engineers can make better informed decisions throughout the full life cycle of the project.

Getting scans and imagery in the pre-design phase helps with services such as topographic surveys. It is the easiest and most accurate way to get a complete look at the area to be developed and ensures that engineers get their project off to a good start.

Scans may also be completed using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV’s) where surveys of very large areas can be completed much more quickly and for far less money than previous methods.

Pipeline Design Phase

Once engineers have an accurate understanding of the site that is going to be developed, the next step is to plan for how the pipeline fits into the current environment.  UAV data collection provides an excellent way for engineers to visualize a project during the planning phase of pipeline surveying.

Using the laser scanning results, engineers can confidently predict and avoid any potential issues before beginning the construction phase. Scans can be used to create digital elevation models, which in turn can be used to help identify potential issues as well as assist with the overall planning. The result: your project experiences less setbacks and ends up costing less.

Pipeline Construction Phase

Because the design phase normally requires multiple views of the project as it evolves, laser scanning adds value to the pipeline surveying process in multiple ways. Every time someone needs a fresh look at the project, the scan data can deliver the results.

When it’s time to actually begin construction, the LiDAR data is extremely beneficial. Engineers can very quickly complete as-built surveys showing how the project is evolving and redefining the look of the terrain and existing environment.

Because there are so many interested parties involved in a pipeline surveying project, it is important to complete these “on demand” surveys quickly and easily. UAV scans are perfect for these ad hoc, on demand kinds of surveys.

In the past, projects would grind to a halt waiting for accurate work in process scans. Now, HD scans provide one of the quickest and easiest ways to create as-built surveys during pipeline construction.

Experience is everything in Scanning Surveys

There are many things that can go wrong in a pipeline project one of which being outdated information that can lead to poor decision making. Project managers should carefully consider the company behind the services and work with someone who has several years of practical, field experience who is also capable of providing you with the most up-to-date data.

To learn how Landpoint can help your oil and gas company with pipeline surveying, download our free brochure today.

Image by – cinto2

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle